
Hurricane Ian's Deadly Punch to One Florida Dairy

The Category 4 Atlantic hurricane was both deadly and destructive. It ranks as the second most damaging hurricane, behind Hurricane Katrina in 2005, to make landfall. Despite experiencing Hurricane Ian firsthand, Dakin Dairy Farms in Myakka City, Fla., is committed to not only making sure their cows are still well cared for, but they’re also becoming a helping hub for their local community.

 Courtney Dakin, the farm’s tour director, says they are taking in donations and sending them out, and she encourages anyone in need to reach out to them.






“Dakin Dairy would like to be a hub for the community. If you have anything you would like to donate, we have the means to disperse it. If you have any needs, please reach out,” the farm posted on its Facebook page over the weekend.


As of Monday afternoon, Dakin says the community is still in dire need of supplies.


“Water, batteries, flashlights, hygiene products, bedding, gas, propane, air mattresses, tarps, water, non-perishables, Gatorade,” Dakin lists. “Whatever you can offer.”






Dakin says they are also in need of help to get donated products to Myakka City. 


“We are hoping to help those in much more need in North Port and Arcadia as well,” she says.


The 4,000-cow dairy lost more than 250 cows after Hurricane Ian battered them with 100-plus mph winds. Dakin says the number is likely to rise, as many have developed respiratory problems like pneumonia due to their prolonged exposure to the weather conditions during the storm.

Source: Collect
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