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Dairy Cow Slaughter Picking Up
US - “Weekly Dairy Cow Slaughter,” as reported by USDA’s Market News Service peaked the week ending Feb. 11 at 64,100 head, slowed to 60,500 head the week of Feb. 18 and regained steam the week of Feb. 25 to 61,100 head, reports Alan Levitt, on Thursday 8th March 2012.

During February, the weekly dairy cow slaughter is up less than 1,000 head vs. last year. And, year-to-date slaughter is trailing 2011, by more than 10,000 head. Slaughter is expected to pick-up due to lower milk prices and high feed costs.

The CME spot cheese, butter and NDM markets were fairly quiet today. CME Cheddar block and barrel prices closed unchanged at $1.4850/lb. and $1.4725/lb., respectively with a single bid remaining in both markets. Class III APR – AUG contracts settled double-digits higher. CME spot butter and NDM prices were unchanged.

Dry whey prices reported in today’s Dairy Market News’s weekly survey were as low as 30¢; however, the Central dry whey mostly range is 62.0¢ to 65.5¢, down 3.0¢ on the high side of the range. The West dry whey mostly range is 45.0¢ to 63.0¢, down a penny on the high side. Both the Central and West regions are reporting a NDM price low of $1.20/lb.

However, the Central/East NDM mostly range is $1.28/lb. to $1.40/lb., down 2¢ on the low end and a penny lower on the high end. The West NDM mostly range is $1.23/lb. to $1.35/lb., down a nickel on the low side and a penny lower on the high side.

Daily Dairy Report - Copyright © 2008 CME. All rights reserved.

Source: The dairy site
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