The Economics Of Different Milk Production Systems
21:19 | 15/10/2011
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This article summarises the results produced by a profit maximising whole-farm economic model that was employed to identify financially optimal milk production systems for a typical Northern Ireland farm under varying market conditions. The systems assessed range from lower yielding New Zealand type systems based on grazed grass to very high yielding North American type systems based on concentrates and conserved forage.
Mastitis and BCS Loss Affects Fertility
08:26 | 10/10/2011
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Reproductive performance is quickly becoming the biggest challenge in dairy herds’ profitability, according to Ricardo C. Chebel, DVM, MPVM, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota.
Weather Leaves Dairies To Struggle With Feed Costs
16:35 | 07/10/2011
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US - In a crop year full of uncooperative weather, dairy producers across the region are struggling with feed problems and rising prices, a Purdue Extension dairy specialist said.
New Bluetongue Technology Develops Understanding
16:22 | 07/10/2011
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BELGIUM - Scientists of the Antwerp Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITG) have developed a molecular technique to identify the biting midges that spread bluetongue disease. Until now, this identification was a problem. The new technology helps to understand how the disease spreads, and how to control it.
Poor Pastures A Chance To Review Winter Feeding
23:39 | 06/10/2011
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US - Feeding hay will come sooner than normal for some cattle farmers this autumn, the hot, dry conditions across much of cattle country this summer left cattle with thin pastures and not much to eat this autumn.
IDF & FAO Launch Revised Good Dairy Farming Guide
17:38 | 04/10/2011
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GLOBAL - In collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), IDF has produced a revised Guide to Good Dairy Farming Practice.
Protect Cattle From Winter Weather
22:48 | 03/10/2011
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US - Winter on the northern Great Plains is a harsh environment for beef cattle, adequate feed and protection can allow cattle to adapt to Great Plains winters.